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I only started cycling a year ago following a charity event which signed me up to cycle London to Paris. From then on I have joined a local cycling club and developed into a lycra loving lass.

Thursday 31 July 2014

Le Tour de France

Well what can I say... Incredible!

The Caravan was much larger than it was in England with all the French companies adding floats. Unfortunately though there were no freebies by this point so I couldn't grab a cap. Not to worry, I went up the road and bought one of the fan packs for 20 euros!

Seeing the women's race first, and then rushing to get a snap of the men coming round the corner from Course la Reine near Pont Alexandre III bridge was a rush! I was right on the line so I could see them coming up and incredible speed, round the bend and in a flash they were gone. A quick run back to our seats in Tribune Clemenceau to watch the 7 or so laps they did up and down the Champs-Elysees.

What a sight, the noise was breathtaking as they zoomed past in the peleton. I was desperately trying to work out the camera I had borrowed so I could get some decent shots, but I was also watching the race outside of the lens so I'm content with whatever shots I got (even the ones of just a wheel).

Mum by this point was swept up in the excitement, getting my phone and snapping away! It was great to see her enthused by the cycling - my hopes of a time-trial bike may have improved!

Whilst we all knew that Nibali had won overall, it was great to see the fight for the final stage win. I had my money on Kittle all the way. His performance was great throughout the Tour and the snap I got of him out in Felsted in England was awesome.

To be honest, I am quite lost for words. The experience as a whole was just incredible and I cannot thank Wiggle enough for it. I think the Tour coming to England and through Cambridge has really boosted the sport for both men and women and I hope that now there is more in place to help children and those who want to get into cycling / racing.

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