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I only started cycling a year ago following a charity event which signed me up to cycle London to Paris. From then on I have joined a local cycling club and developed into a lycra loving lass.

Thursday 31 July 2014

Getting the Time Trial bug...

Last night was my first 18 mile Time-Trial...OUCH! 

Starting off with a warm up cycle to Ashley, I chatted along with Joe for a brisk 3.5miles to get the legs working after spending the whole day sat down in an office. It definitely requires a higher level of motivation to get out and race after being so static all day. But I keep telling myself, well if you want to race Rust, you have to get out and race! 

So two weeks ago I did a 21 mile TT, but for some reason last night was definitely a bigger mental challenge. The 21 mile was one big loop so there was no turning back or just doing 1 lap. On last nights' lap TT you can easily pull out after one lap. I didn't! 

This time, Bob lent me his dashing skin-suit.. apparently bare skin has more "drag" than a skin suit so I thought, ok lets give it a go and quickly got changed in the back of a fellow riders van! He also kindly lent me his "go-faster" aero helmet, this one slightly less glamorous than the one I borrowed last week for the 5 mile TT. With the visor stuck on with ducktape, I was ready to go. 

Going off at No. 4 I knew I probably wouldn't pass anyone, but was likely to get overtaken. That's fine by me as I was once again the only woman racing and I know I'm not as fast as the guys there tonight. I just wanted to challenge myself. On the start line, 30 seconds to go. Start the Garmin. Clip the shoes in. Prepare the mind and the legs. Ignore Jon's hands under my butt as he holds on to my seat but remembering him saying I can do it in 50 minutes.  5. 4. 3. 2. 1. GOOOOO

Starting off with a slight incline (just to buzz the thighs) then onto a long downhill... clocking (at a quick glance) 36mph ish. Holding on for life. Some cases I was a tad too nervous and stopped pushing for fear of bouncing off my bike.

The course is hilly and winding. Challenging of them all. Over the 16 miles it clocks 769ft elevation gain with 5 climbs on each lap. The lovely Moulton at a 5.6% average gradient at about 6 miles in was a bit of a pain, only to do it all again on the second lap!

Somehow I managed to bag what they call a QOM (Queen of the Mountain) on Strava – obviously on a downhill. With an average of 32.5mph over half a mile.

The second lap seemed much better, stronger, I was pushing. Confident in my downhills I was mentally preparing for the climbs. Something I definitely need to work on.

The last 2.5 mile all that was in the back of my head.. see if you can catch Kerry who was only doing 1 lap. Don’t let the guy behind catch you – I saw him as I took a peek on the peak of Moulton Hill. And GET UNDER 50 MIN.

Approximately half a mile to go and I am at 47 minutes something… (I think) I can’t quite remember. Push round the corner, up the hill and try to get there as quick as I can. Head down, eyes up and just go for it.

Across the line, I can hear the time, I can hear people clap..Stop the Garmin.. COOL DOWN!

Spinning the legs and trying to recover my breathing. When I get back to the group a lot of the guys were very supportive of my effort. Only when looking at the time sheet do I realise that I actually beat one of the fast guys. He may have been having an off day, but I still pipped him to the line by 7 seconds with a race time of 48.17 and split time of 24.01/24.16.

I am so pleased that Kerry got round in a respectable 27.45 for her first ever TT and there are some pretty hairy corners and beastly hills.

What a rush. 

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