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I only started cycling a year ago following a charity event which signed me up to cycle London to Paris. From then on I have joined a local cycling club and developed into a lycra loving lass.

Saturday 2 August 2014

The countdown to Ely Olympic Triathlon - running

With two weeks to go until my first Olympic Triathlon (signed up after a few beverages) I thought this week I need to up my running and swimming. 

My cycling has been going well, running and swimming are getting progressively better with my swim distance and run speed improving. But I'll be honest, having found out it's not a standard 10k run, it's 12k with hills, I'm nervous. Not so much about my energy but my knees / joints being a problem on the run. 

Thursday night I managed 6.5miles, in the rain and kind of cross country. I trained with Kerry as I know she knows how to push me. She didn't tell me the route (deliberately). We set off from her house with Gus her gorgeous dog, warm up to the race course. I don't even know how far we had gone before the heavens opened and we were soaked. Running through the trees on the soft mud/sand that the horses train on, it was definitely harder than flat concrete which I'm used to. With rain dripping down my face (or was it sweat) we came out of the woods down to the Rowley mile buildings. My knee was niggling, so we stopped for a few seconds whilst I stretched my butt out and carried on at a pace. Unfortunately our good stride was broken by Gus being chased by an aggressive dog who's owner just sat in their car. It really dampened the spirit of the run and I'm really angry that there are some that just don't care about controlling their dog. 
Anyway, we ran on further away and Gus calmed down, he's a beautiful dog with a great temperament. He also kept between the two of us when I dropped back behind Kerry, constantly checking on me. 

We passed many other runners out on the course, equally as soaked! 
On the home straight, or so I thought. Kerry as Kerry does told me to pick up the pace on the last stretch and said if she felt I'd pushed it then she'd let me stop. I pushed, I closed the gap, I pushed a bit more, but I swear she sped up deliberately! Grrrr! 

Through the gates and she says right I reckon you could do 10k in under an hour, I laughed at her thinking, yeh right! 
Next turn and she's gone, up Hamilton Hill, shouting at me, COME ON! SPRINT!! PUSH IT! FASTER! I dragged my legs as fast as I could up the hill and to the top! She had been getting her phone out up the hill, I knew she was looking at the time. I get to the top, through the gate... 

You did 10k in 58 min! WHAT!! I nearly cried! Well ok, maybe a little tear / rain did come from my eye. I was SO happy. 
We jogged the rest back, I may have skipped a little.. 

I was elated with my effort when I found we had done 6.5miles. We did 4.5miles on the Wednesday morning and I found that hard so to go and do another 2 on top after the TT the night before, I was pretty chuffed. 

Back to Kerry's... FOOD!! 

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