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I only started cycling a year ago following a charity event which signed me up to cycle London to Paris. From then on I have joined a local cycling club and developed into a lycra loving lass.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

My first Olympic Triathlon...

So about November time last year I drunkenly (terrible I know) agreed to enter the Monster Olympic Triathlon over at Ely. 

I had gone and supported several Newmarket Tri club members doing it in 2013 and was captivated by the whole event. It was a beautiful sunny day... 

Anyway. So I signed up. Paid. Sobered up. Panicked! When I say panicked... I mean, the words what the hell have I just done went through my head. Yes I'd had a go at the Club Relays (my first taste of what triathlon is all about) and yes I had a bash at St Neots Sprint Tri. But now I had just entered a 1.5km swim (up river), a 44km bike ride (fenland winds) AND a 12km hilly run. My running was pretty bad, my swimming was pretty non-existent and well I just love to be on my bike. 

Over the past 9-10 months I have been up and down with training. Barely did anything over winter with swim / run. Did my first 10k on NYE and sustained a knee injury as I had very poor preparation (none). I got a few more 10k's under my feet over the months in 2014. The bike was going well anyway and I began to pick up my swim. 

Then it all went a bit wrong. About April time I (the joys of being female) had an abnormal smear come back. (Men you can skip this part). My life felt like it had just fallen apart. So I was booked into hospital to have a biopsy. That came back bad. About 3-4 weeks later I had to go and basically have the pre-cancerous cells burnt off. So that was about 6 weeks of no swimming so far. End of that week or there abouts I bought my new bike (pick me up). Friday took it out for a ride.. Saturday was in waitrose and to put a long story short I was rushed to hospital with haemorrhaging. So basically I wasn't then allowed to swim for another 5 weeks. Joy. Training - out the window. 

Ok I've digressed a little here.. 

Once able to train again I began getting stronger and fitter. Swimming was hard. But perseverance pays off. 

Race day. To be honest. I did feel prepared (as best I could) but I was still nervous. The run up to Sunday I had trapped nerves in my back, tension headaches, I'd handed in my notice at my work as I'd had interviews for other jobs. I was plate spinning and not knowing what or when one was going to drop. 

4am Sunday 17th August. Yeh that time made me feel a tad nauseous. 

Rock up in Ely. I had been given so much advice about what I should take round with me. I'd bought a new tri suit the day before (I don't recommend doing this - bad move)! I'd also bought some of those funky stretchy coil laces - I so recommend doing this, but again, not the day before!! 
Once registered I racked my bike on 416. Laying my stuff out on my bright green towel (so I can spot it in a daze). 
Socks rolled so I can try and get them on quickly for the run. Helmet up so I can just stick it on my head and go. Cycling shoes open and ready to slip my feet into. And race belt loaded with gels. My plan was to come out of the swim, race belt on, shoes on, helmet on, bike off and go. 

Walking down to the start (a good 15 min walk in). We watch the elites and 1st wave go in. Then it was the 2nd wave for the middle distance, Kerry was in this one. I wait for her to go in then walk back up the river to my entrance - shorter distance. 

Just before we are about to go in (after the briefing) I hear my dad. He made it! This just made me feel so emotional. He's never come to watch me except once for May bumps in the rowing phase. 

Me and Maxine struggle in to the river, sinking into the mud on the bed. Gross!!!! Freezing cold!! 

We end up separating as I wanted to be at the back. 30seconds. I say to the guys next to me please don't bash me / hit me / drown me!! We joke. But I'm secretly hoping I don't get hit. I got kicked in the face at feltwell and it just sum ruined my swim and that was only half the distance. 

Off we go. Keeping calm I just get into a rhythm. Knowing my dad is walking along the side was so calming. It was cold, by I was pushing on. 

Every now and then I'd breaststroke a bit to catch my breath. I hear my dad shout support. 
My goggle were starting to irritate me. Joys of having dry skin that you moisturise.. I think that was irritating my eyes. I had about 500m to go, turn around the buoy and back downstream to the exit. 

I come out, slightly off balance is an understatement. Slow (trying to be quick) jog to transition barefoot across the concrete.

 Thinking - plan! Hat, shows, gloves, race belt & shoes. GO! 

Off I go, freezing my butt off! Light gearing trying to warm the legs up. Get into my stroke and I'm off... Until it starts pissing it down! Brrrr in only a tri suit, it was bloody windy and bloody cold! Fens are not your friend on a light bike in the rain. I stayed upright but I was struggling. Wearing a new tri suit, well let's just say I think I need a new female specific saddle. Ouch! 
44km down, overtaken lots of people (big grin), back into transition. Socks on. Trainers on. Glasses on - yes I know it was raining but I hate rain in my eyes. Grab my bottle and go. 12km. I've not run that far yet except the Cambridge half marathon.. 1 lap - see dad! 

Pick me up. Then I see Clare on the run and she shouts positives. Pick me up. I'm smiling most of the way round! 
Quite a few of the guys I overtook on the bike then overtook me on the run. I didn't mind. I shared a giggle with a chap having calf issues.. I felt his pain but carried on. 
I spot one of my friends husbands in front of me. I'd past him on the bike and he snuck past me on the run. I keep him in sight. On the 1st lap about half way, I see Maxine (well she passes me) and grabs my hand and drags me (jokingly) along for a minute / 15feet! It was a great spirit raiser and I think the spectators had a giggle! Off she goes and I pick up my speed. 

2nd lap. Still keeping the chap in my sight. Up the hill and just as we enter the market square I take him, just eating up the concrete beneath my feet. I think the caffeine gels just kicked in! I was flying. Bounding along. Past the cathedral. Round the bend. Down the hill. Turn left onto the home straight. I was basically sprinting. I crossed the road to where the finish was last year... What!! Where's the finish I shouted. Round the corner up the hill. Crap! 

Quick check to see where the chap was. Nowhere to be seen. Phew! 
Cross the road, and up through the gardens, sharp left and I'm FINISHED!!! 

I have never felt so alive and such achievement. 

It was so special to have my dad there. Although I could barely talk, my mouth was like I was drunk! He just cuddled me (I was sweaty & gross)! With my medal around my neck I was a finisher! 

I came 2nd in my age category and 10th lady overall. 

Very happy 😃

I owe a massive thanks to everyone in my club. But especially to Clare for run training, Julian & Emma for swim training. And Kerry for incredible support in helping me / getting me out training! Kerry also completed her first middle distance at the same event. 

We are both winners! 

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